Hey I bought that equipment kit a few months ago and I'm on my third run of wine (one from a kit (finished), one from juice (sitting in a carboy) and one from fruit (currently dripping from the ceiling)) I'll say that the corker that came with the set is junk and I got a better one from a brew shop. I also needed to buy longer tubing for racking, and some of the consumables to make wine. but I think for what it is it was a good kit.
I would honestly buy him a wine kit to get started. that way he can get started right away and be able to have a practice run with. I bought this cab-sav kit (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N7WGPRP/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) and while I've only had one bottle so far it turned out well and I thought was a great way to start. If you didn't want to spend that much there are cheaper kits but I know I was happy with this one.