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3 comments of this product found across Reddit:
Jayhu25 /r/minidisc
2 points
1970-01-19 12:49:25.608 +0000 UTC
kaihatsusha /r/sanantonio
2 points
1970-01-19 15:51:28.256 +0000 UTC

The downvote fairy of sanantonio has visited, I see.

OP, do you have a photo of the jack into which the power adapter plugs? It's probably a plain 2.1mm or 2.5mm barrel plug. The polarity is almost surely with negative on the outside, as denoted by this little diagram probably molded into the plastic:

⊖ —( •— ⊕

The only thing left is the voltage, which is probably somewhere around 7 to 12V. However, since there are so many variables, one of these will help. Just slowly increase the volts from the minimum until the thing works as expected.
