" there is a reason you can’t get a commercial (non 3D printed) version of your product, it’s because it doesn’t exist."
I've already linked to several water-resistant headsets that are commercially available, including one IP68 rated. Here's another one (albeit IP67):
...and another (IP68):
http://www.quanticotactical.com/otto-engineering-20-meter-diver-headset-and-noizebarrier-range-sa-tactical-over-the-ear-headset/ https://www.twowayradio.com/otto-noizebarrier-v4-11055bk-headset.html
Here's a consumer grade IP67 speaker, Ecopebble lite ($40):
IP67 JBL clip 4 ($60): https://www.amazon.com/JBL-Clip-Built-Waterproof-JBLCLIP4BLKAM/dp/B08PJ7JMQM
"You won’t be able to diy noise cancellation. Full stop."