BJs is kinda like Costco
Coincidentally I came across BJ's during my travels this morning and while I am not really interested in paying for the expensive Amy's soups and while I did not check out the price I don't think that the canned beans can beat the $0.49/ per can of low salt (kideney, black, and garbanzo) beans I can buy locally I was interested in the Quinoa that they offered until I realized they did not sell in bulk and the few choices they had were more expensive then the 25 lb bulk that I reference above.
I apologize if it sounds like I am crapping all over your suggestion since that is not my intention at all and I appreciate you continuing to respond. Thank you.
I think I will give Sprouts until next week and see if their selection improves and if not I'll just go with one of those 25 lb bags I listed above. @ttrockwood suggested Amaranth which I never heard of but if it cooks up anything like Quinoa I'd be more then satisfied and apparently it is a lot cheaper then Quinoa but still loaded with protein: