Such room divider is completely useless. More effective thing is to use a cheap light fixture stand (with T arm) and hang some kind of heavy blanket over it. Put it right behind you and you should be able to hear noticeable reduction of reflections. When you’re done, it is easy to quickly fold it all and put back in the closet / under your bed.
Also, treat the space in front of you / right behind the mic. Use panels on the wall, or some kind of mic shield. I like Alctron PF8; people who never tried it like to say it is a nonsense, to that I’d respond: spend $25 and form your own opinion.
Alternatively, experiment with some of the room reduction plugins available. YMW, but you can get pretty decent results with something like SPL De-Verb Plus or Waves Clarity Vx DeReverb, esp. when combined with a standard gate/expander.
If you want truly professional sound, there’s always an option to book an actual studio.