Yeah my issue is I am mixed. I am a tinkerer at heart(my big issue with the r3d is that I cannot just tinker away the issues so everything’s purely software) buut I also have health issues that make me insanely low energy often so I cannot always do the tinkering I love so much.
The ecosystem part does worry me a bit and thank you for that(I am more a pc/android guy overall due to love of adjusting settings same reason I prefer systems like pf1e over say 5e)
I may someday wind up with both depending on the circumstances of my finances but for now I am looking for a good fit is all.
I am wondering now though would this filament work in the Adventure 3D?
And I guess my big question is really. How much can I expect to have to adjust the flsun on a regular basis. Like will I have to auto level it every time(which with listed auto leveling I presume should be easier then the paper style leveling I currently suck at) or should I expect a lot of errors/glitches that require weeks of super precise fine tuning before it does anything compared to the adventure 3D? Like I am totally cool with and even will enjoy doing soem tweaks/adjustments but doing them nonstop/for a few weeeks to months yeeah that will likely bug me if I cannot get a result after a few weeks of tinkering.