What do you think about the other suggestions of buying an eero 6 and using it as my gateway? Other posters are saying my eero device are backwards compatible so this would be best. If so, is this the right eero 6 to buy? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085VM9ZDD?ref_=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_PB30HJF6PD7MT4JD94X8
Is this what you would buy to use as the gateway that's connected to the cable that comes into my house? Then, move that eero outside where I want extended coverage?
I see widely varying prices for extenders, routers. and gateways so want to be sure I'm buying the correct one:
Is this what you would buy to use as the gateway that's connected to the cable that comes into my house? Then, move that eero outside where I want extended coverage?
I see widely varying prices for extenders, routers. and gateways so want to be sure I'm buying the correct one: